Movie Preview Magic – Music Matters

I just watched “Elizabethtown” for the first time last night. I know, I know, it’s an older movie and I’ve wanted to see it ever since the previews came out. Besides it looking like a unique story, which it is, something caught my attention  during the trailer- the music. I love previews and I’ve noticed the music that runs throughout them tends to make or break the deal for me, really capturing my attention  and setting the mood. It’s almost like the music is supposed to stick with you so you don’t forget about the movie, just in case the actors or plot line didn’t suffice.

I do find it frustrating is when the music, however, is not in the movie and I get to spend forever and a day looking for the song. A prime example would be the “Ever After” trailer, which features Robert Mile’s “Dream” and a faster version of Lorena McKennett’s “The Mummer’s Dance” – both really great songs and ones I might never have heard, had it not been for that trailer. Obviously it wouldn’t have worked within the movie but still, a bit frustrating. This wasn’t the case for “Elizabethtown,” which played “Learning to Fly” by Tom Petty in the movie and in the trailer – a double bonus there and a great introduction, since I’ve never heard the song before either. “The Spirit” also features an haunting song within the trailer, a song called “Choke” by Hybrid. Now, I haven’t actually seen the movie but the music does intrigue me. Of course, it did that for “Tuck Everlasting” too and I wasn’t that impressed with the final product. But that’s just me.

So now I’m curious, any songs out there hidden within trailers that caught your attention?

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